Announcement Plugin For Blesta

A very clean and simple Announcement plugin for Blesta , allows you to post announcements, and make them Publicly for all or based on clients groups and service's packages.

the plugin can  :

    add/edit/delete Announcement.

    List All Announcements

    Restriced Announcement based on client Group And packages .

    Show widget announcement in client side .

    Option to enable/disable widget in client side.

    Setting to show announcement in full or mixed views.

    Set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client

    Set how much announcement should be displayed in announcement page


- show widget announcement in client side . Done

- option to enable/disable widget in client side Done

- set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client Done

- allow share buttons on announcement

- allow client to ignore announcement message .

- hide announcement in widget after X days .

- Add RSS announcements (just the public announcements)

- add setting to show announcement in full or mixed views Done

    add/edit/delete Announcement.

    List All Announcements

    Restriced Announcement based on client Group And packages .

    Show widget announcement in client side .

    Option to enable/disable widget in client side.

    Setting to show announcement in full or mixed views.

    Set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client

    Set how much announcement should be displayed in announcement page

Version 1.3.0

  • Fix Adding announce to database .
  • Full rewrite of the code
  • upgraded to be compatible with blesta v4

Version 1.2.0

  • Final Stable Release  .

This Plugin is tested and certified  , no bugs at the moment .
as always the installtion steps is :

1 - download the file from your client area .
2 - upload the announcements folder inside plugin directory .
3 - goto plugins , and install Announcements Plugin  .

Php / Mysql
Current Version
— 1.3.0
First release
— 2014-08-31
Last Update
— 2017-04-28
— Blesta